Relation Edit Mode

Below is an instance of TextAE in the Relation Edit mode. You are recommended to use it to practice with what is described in this page.

{ "text":"Elon Musk is a member of the PayPal Mafia.", "denotations":[ {"id":"T1","span":{"begin":0,"end":9},"obj":"Person"}, {"id":"T2","span":{"begin":29,"end":41},"obj":"Group"} ], "relations":[ {"pred":"member","subj":"T1","obj":"T2"} ], "config": { "boundarydetection": false, "non-edge characters": [], "function availability": { "term": false, "block": false, "simple": false, "replicate": false, "replicate-auto": false, "boundary-detection": false, "entity": false } } }

Basic operations

function condition icon shortcut
Change mode (view ↔ relation edit)   , f
Change descriptor A descriptor is chosen q
Edit properties A descriptor is chosen w
Delete A relation is chosen d
Undo   z
Redo   a

When you are in another mode in TextAE, this mode can be entered by clicking the Relation Edit Mode icon .

Creating a relation

A relation is established between two term annotations. A relation annotation is thus created on top of term annotations. If you click on a term annotation, it will be highlighted. Subsequently, clicking another term will create a relation annotation between the two, with a default descriptor. To cancel your initial selection of a term, press the ESC key.

Adding an attribute to a relation

To add an attribute to a relation, select a relation and click the Relation Configuration icon , to open the Relation Configuration dialog, where you can choose a predefined attribute type or define a new attribute type as you like.

Choose the attribute type and the value you want to add to the selected relation(s).